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A glimpse; it was just a glimpse,
Gave me a hint of summer on the way,
A filament and cluster of light asterisks,
Air born, had floated into sun’s bright ray.

The hepatica and the wood anemone,
Have heralded spring in their delicate, shy way,
And catkin's overhead languidly looped down,
But dandelion shouts, "Summer, sunny day!"

Now, see the rows of regular-spaced sprouts,
As corn unfolds into each blade-shaped leaf,
And soybean leaves in triple-ply spread out,
A sign, once more of farmer's seasonal belief.

The woods, so recently, a pattern of bark gray,
becomes a lacy green and sheltering net,
where the fur insulated nest of new bunnies lay,
and spotted fawns obey their mother’s safety etiquette.

In tropic climes or arctic regions bare,
Never is the surrounding world so new,
That which occurs each year so grandly rare,
As to temperate climate dweller's springtime view.

@05/24/2020 Carol Welch
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